Articles Written By:

Casey Prentice

Social media has a creep factor

He has 654 friends. He has been to a variety of sports venues, restaurants and museums through his travels (the menu at Husk looks divine, but not nearly as good as Sarabeth’s brunch plates). He also “Likes” companies like Land’s End, Nordstrom and The North Face. Using a couple of targeted searches with Facebook’s Graph Search, I can easily gather information on Jon Newman’s personality, preferences and interests. [Editor’s note:  Okay, you’ve got my attention. — JN] With all that’s out there on the internet,…

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Love for learning: APR Certification

Recently, I’ve gone back to the classroom. This classroom wasn’t at a university, but in a training center for a client of Hodges, but nonetheless, being in the environment got me thinking. My mother was a teacher and I HATED summer vacation. I loved school. Not because I was a sacrilegious student, but I loved learning and I was bored at home. I lived for the challenge of learning new material, getting lost in an assignment and competing with myself (ok, and with others) to…

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Measurement: drop the ruler, break out the analysis and then celebrate

​While I know I’m not alone, I do know that I’m among the small percentage of professionals who have only practiced public relations in the digital age. Facebook, Twitter, blogs and online news sites have always been a part of my media mix. But with so much information out there and different vehicles to carry the message it can be tricky to know which outlets and influencers really carry weight and can make an impact on a brand’s goals. Get this, legend has it that…

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How to survive in the digital age (without always being digital)

To the disbelief of my coworkers, family, friends and just about everyone I meet, I work in the world of PR and social media and I have no cable or internet at my apartment.  Maybe it was my lack of motivation in actually going through the set-up process, but it was mostly for the sanity of disconnecting for a couple of hours a day. Jacob Geiger of Work it, Richmond wrote an article last summer that spoke to vacations and the need to disconnect from…

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