The top 5 most common marketing issues we hear about

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I’ve been thinking a lot about “marketing challenges” lately since I’ve started talking to folks who have taken us up on our latest offer. Specifically, what are the most common marketing challenges or issues we hear from prospects and clients? There are others, but I’ve boiled down the top five here with some suggestions on how to tackle them.

Common marketing issue #1: Awareness

“We just have no awareness out there.”

Translated it means that they (and their friends and relatives) are not seeing their organization, company or product mentioned in the media. It also means that they are spending little to no money on any type of advertising, since that would easily solve the problem. A possible solution is at least a low-level media relations effort. This assumes their organization is newsworthy to begin with.

Common marketing issue #2: Sales

“We’re just not generating any sales.”

This especially comes from folks who are at least trying some level of marketing, but equate “awareness” or media relations success with making the phone ring. Awareness creates, well, awareness. What are you doing to shift that awareness to “consideration?” That’s the next question you should ask yourself.

Common marketing issue #3: Social ROI

“We post on social media, but it’s not doing anything for us.”

Just posting is not enough anymore. In fact, if you’re only posting, you’ll only reach 2-3 percent of the folks who follow your Facebook account. Social media posting needs to be “boosted” by a social advertising or amplification strategy. If not, it’s like yelling in a giant forest with no one around. No one will hear you until the bear eats you.

Common marketing issue #4: Time

“We just don’t have the time and resources.”

Well, you need to make time and find the resources. Your competition is. If you can’t create time for a solid marketing plan or budget the resources for it, your idea, and your business, will die.

Common marketing issue #5: Planning

“We really don’t have a plan.”

(See previous: “We just don’t have the time and resources.”)

This is really where everything should start. You had a great idea, you created a business around it, but if you don’t have some semblance of a marketing plan, then you might as well flush everything down the toilet. You could have the best idea in the world, but you have to have a plan to get people to consider it.

Did any of these strike a nerve?

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Jon Newman

In 2002 Jon cofounded The Hodges Partnership and has helped to grow it into one of the country’s largest public relations firms (based on O’Dwyer’s annual rankings). Jon has taught communications as an adjunct professor at VCU, speaks regularly at conferences and meetings and blogs and tweets about public relations and marketing issues.

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