How to Get Started with Owned Content

Do you know what the beauty of owned content is? You have total control, and for a control-freak like me, developing original, owned content puts me in a happy place.

Chances are, if you have a content marketing strategy in place, you are already producing some level of owned content. But if you’re looking to beef up your practice, or get started from the ground up, you may need a little bit of guidance.

The world is your content oyster, and it can get overwhelming if you let it. Elsewhere in The Gong Blog archives, you’ll find five helpful questions to ask yourself when starting any storytelling journey – this is a great place to start.

Top that foundation with some questions that will help you frame your entire content operation. “How much time do I have?” “What kind of resources are available?” The answers will help you narrow your focus – because, obviously, if resources are tight, you’re not going to be producing dozens of videos, for example.

Once you establish the basics, you can start having fun and brainstorming specific topics and more general topic areas – and ultimately content formats. Original, owned content can come in the form of:

  • Blog posts
  • Videos
  • Infographics
  • Case studies
  • Thought leadership commentaries
  • Whitepapers
  • Webinars
  • and e-Books

Depending on what you’re trying to achieve (e.g. awareness, top-of-funnel leads), different formats may be more appropriate. How you design these pieces of content is also an important part of your owned content strategy.

Getting started with developing owned content shouldn’t be daunting. You’re not going to dive right into a CRM, develop a lead-scoring schema and start shoving people down your sales funnel via gated content. Start small, create measurable goals and set yourself up for success by chipping away – blog post by blog post.

Casey Prentice

A self-proclaimed organizational junkie and data geek who confesses to a secret desire to be a professional organizer, Casey enjoys account management, writing, editing and digital content strategy. Her agency work has helped clients like Virginia’s Community Colleges, VCUarts and Swedish Match.

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