Google Wave – the next big thing?
There was a mini-buzz at THP late on Friday as Caroline and I discussed the possibilities for Google Wave.
This is Google’s next attempt at a category killer. It’s next step to bring all of social media into the Googlesphere.
Here’s a great article from Mashable that shows and explains.
At the very least Google Wave seems to marry just about all the social media tools and almost all the platforms in one place. It also is very Google, as it encourages APP creation that could tie in other platforms.
It also creates a new Google language and ways to share information.
My only question is will it be too much? Not for the early adopters and social media lovers who will eat it up with a spoon, or the Google stock shareholders (like me). But for those who are still learning the tricks of the trade like Twitter, Facebook, Ning, Digg, etc. etc.
How much becomes too much? When do the mid-to-late adopters just decide to give up entirely?
Is that a legitimate concern? Or will we all just ride the Wave? Your thoughts?
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