Articles Written By:

Alejandro Leon

Digital Advocacy and the Parameters for Running Social, Political, or Election Ads on Facebook 

Everywhere you scroll nowadays, you will inevitably encounter a large chunk of advertisements all over your social media feeds. These ads, often carefully curated by hard-working marketing teams across the world, know you intimately and focus on your wants, needs, interests and everything in between.   Amid this sea of ads lies a distinct category – social, political and election ads. These ads serve not only as marketing tools but also as vehicles for advocacy and public discourse. As you might expect, behind these ads…

4 Tips for new grads in their first PR job

Whew! You’ve finally walked across the stage, secured your diploma and landed your very first job in PR. Now it’s time to live happily ever after… right? Admittedly, that was my mindset as a new graduate. Don’t get me wrong, landing a position in my field of study has been a wonderful kickstart to my career. However, what professors and parents rarely tell you is what to do once you actually get your dream job. Breaking into the professional world can feel daunting, and as…

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