One of the first things we do here at Hodges during our onboarding process with a new client is to sit down with them to learn their story — usually a personal narrative that naturally progresses into and reflects the brand’s story. For those of us in media relations, storytelling is essential to what we do. After all, once you get the attention of the media, what’s next? It’s telling the story — one that is compelling enough for the media to share with their…
Read MoreThis week marks the end of fashion week in Paris, a culmination of a month long global reveal of what we’ll be wearing next spring, or at least wishing we were. For those PR professionals representing fashion and luxury brands, as we do here at Hodges Partnership, the next few weeks will be spent pitching the newest collections to key editors, especially for long lead publications, as they plan their early 2014 books. When it comes to pitching fashion or luxury goods, the most important…
Read MoreWhile this time of year has everyone else thinking grilling, fireworks and sunblock, for us PR pros ’tis the season for holiday gift guide pitching. Yes, it may only be July but for the editorial world they’re busy making their list and checking it twice. Exactly what is a holiday gift guide? Each year leading up to the holidays, media outlets from your major national monthlies, local dailies to online and broadcast put together their picks for what should be on everyone’s wish list. It…
Read Moreby Alissa Pak, member of THP's "lux" team The next time one of the recent Mega Millions winners happens to breeze past a newsstand, they certainly won’t have a shortage of reading materials to flip through. Though some may call the current economic outlook uncertain, for four magazine publications it’s anything but as they launch their new titles. Not exactly aimed at the populist sect, these magazines won’t be everyday reading material unless you count yourself among the 1 percent of society. Are you a…
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