Articles Written By:

Aidan Newbold

From Travesty to Triumph: Four Examples of PR Wins Following Crises

On the Gong Blog, we’ve written about brands that have done a poor job with crisis communications. (Remember United’s response to the doctor dragging? Or more recently, Mark Zuckerberg’s five-day silence in addressing Facebook’s data crisis?). But more often than not, even brands that do a decent job communicating through crises don’t get a lot of love. And that’s for good reason—because they handled it well, they are able to suppress its potential impact and even avert the crisis altogether. Then there are the communications…

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Five Examples of Media Interviews Gone Wrong

When it comes to on-camera flops, the most cringe-worthy fails arise when a company spokesperson is drowning during a live interview. With the nerves, cameras and tough questions, it’s easy to do. But that doesn’t make it any more acceptable. Here are five examples of media interview fails, and some tips so you’re never the one flopping: 1. Knowing your key messages, but not really knowing them. The briefing: In this 2015 soundbite, LBC reporter Nick Ferrari interviews Green Party leader at the time Natalie…

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5 Ways You’re Doing Corporate Videos Wrong

There are so many ways corporate videos can go wrong, yet if done correctly, video can be a game changer for your brand. In fact, Cisco projects that video traffic will account for 82 percent of all consumer Internet traffic by 2021. The time for video is now! Not quite. To rephrase, the time for good video is now. Here are five ways you’re doing corporate videos wrong and respective examples to back them up. And while most of these examples are humorous, there’s an…

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Influencer Marketing: 5 Tips for Increasing and Measuring ROI

#Fakenews… #FakeAd? We are living in a world where 75 percent of consumers don’t accept advertisements as truth. And you know what? I don’t blame them. On the other hand, consumer reports are full of that kind of honesty, and it’s what buyers are looking for. In fact, 70 percent of people believe consumer opinions, which is pretty wild— people are seeking out strangers’ opinions to inform their buying habits—and they trust those strangers more than advertisements. So imagine the potential for success if a…

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Blogs Gone Bad: Seven Signs of a Bad Blog

Owning a blog is one of the best ways a business can jump start its inbound marketing campaign—if it’s a good one. Brands that publish 15 or more posts a month see about 3.5 times more traffic than companies who choose not to, and it’s safe to say that with an increase in traffic often comes an increase in leads. It’s true. B2C companies that blogged 11+ times per month got more than 4 times as many leads than those that blogged only 4-5 times…

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On track to make an impact with Drive Smart Virginia

We zoomed through the inaugural year of Who’s Your Driver, a racing season-long driver education program sponsored by DRIVE SMART Virginia. Let’s take a pit stop to reflect on where we’ve been and, like all good drivers, take a look at where we’re heading. According to recent statistics, there is one group in particular that makes up most of the DUI convictions in the Commonwealth – 21-35 year-old men.  To better educate this demographic about the dangers of drinking and driving, as well as the…

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