#AskJon: How do I know if my content program is working? [VIDEO]

Your current content program is working when it is generating the traffic or the leads that you set it out to do from the beginning.

So, if your goal was more traffic to your website, or to certain pages on your website like your blog, and you’re seeing an increase in traffic, then it’s working. If your goal was to drive traffic to a specific offer, like a white paper, that people would download in exchange for names and email addresses, and that’s working, then your content is working.

It’s not working when you’re putting a lot of effort into it and you’re not seeing traffic, email addresses being generated and databases being filled, and then ultimately sales not being generated — if that was one of your goals from the very beginning.

Jon Newman

In 2002 Jon cofounded The Hodges Partnership and has helped to grow it into one of the country’s largest public relations firms (based on O’Dwyer’s annual rankings). Jon has taught communications as an adjunct professor at VCU, speaks regularly at conferences and meetings and blogs and tweets about public relations and marketing issues.

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